Friday, 8 January 2016

Ways to deal with stress through Ayurveda

Please raise your hand if you've ever felt stress in your life.

When you feel stress, you're hit with emotional and mental depression, killing any creative inkling you may have felt. It's an unavoidable part of  our hectic modern lifestyle

Well, there's good news: tackling stress doesn't have to be that daunting. By making a slight modification in the  way of your lifestyle, you could easily deal with stress -- all with ayurveda.

Breath Deeply
Before you start diving into any other ways to avoid stress you need to get started with this simple technique to take some time for yourself.. Just like you spend time for doing things in your life take a 5 minute break from your stressful routine.You just  want to sit up straignt with your eyes closed and hand on your belly.Then, you can start inhaling slowly through your nose. Feel the breath and slowly work it to the abdomen. Exhale through your mouth as you reverse the process. Praanayam is a kind of basic breathing exercise which you can easily practice for better concentration.

 Keep in mind that a short 5 minute head and neck massage can actually easy out half of your work stress. No one can say no to a relaxing and soothing massage.After you've done this massage , you can figure out yourself that you are back with an added energy at your work.Olive oil is the best for massaging the head and neck to relieve the stress of muscles.  you're calming your mind down ,so that you won't have to do anything else for detoxifying your body.

The ability to calm your mind down is a big deal because mind is where stress begins. You can feel the difference especially if you can invest in meditation for 10-15 minutes a day.the precise reason why I love meditation is because it consciously remove each of the disturbing thoughts from your mind.

Yoga and Exercises and Yoga
Most of time, you are busy with things happening in your life that makes you stressfull. Whether it is yoga or any other exercise it works as same as meditation  because you will be alone with your own thoughts.This helps you in preventing health issues and improves your mood too. You feel happy when you are healthy and fit by getting rid of stress.If you are going with yoga child pose and the corpse pose are the good places to start with.

Healthy Diet
Unhealthy food causes you depression. Including seasonal fruits and a lot of leafy vegetables in your diet will clean up your system and will certainly help to improve your mental health.Foods with high in fiber content can make you feel light.You can also try health boosters like almonds and wallnuts.

We wish you will starting a new life  to make you better at your job, with all the relief from stress by following these simple steps..

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