Thursday, 28 January 2016

Staying Active as you Age


When you grow old you become retired and you have more time to exercise, rediscover forgotten talents and pursue hobbies. It is essential to maintain your health and stay active in retirement. Here I am listing a few daily stretching exercise routine for a group of elderly people at old age home. Spend the next of your years actively engaged in living.

Get Started:
First thing you need to do is make your mind prepared to stay healthy. Getting up early will give you plenty of morning hours and it will be refreshing. You can set your own space and decide what you want to so that day. It's really amazing for retirees because they don't have to report to work.
Exercise your body:
When you are working it is really challenging to dedicate time for exercise and now that you are retired you got enough time to do what you want and also you have time for workouts. If you want you can do workouts early in the morning which will keep you fresh throughout the day. But if you are not able to do in the morning you can pick whatever time of the day works for you. You have more options to choose from since you have enough time to burn your calories. You can stretch out your time and give your body more time rather than rushing through an abbreviated routine.
Stimulate your mind:
It's your responsibility to keep your mind sharp without the stimulation of working environment.You are free to choose the activities which you want to undertake. Some people prefer the challenge of a puzzle or brain twister while others might easily burn the hours engaged in a good book. If you wish to learn something you can easily take online courses from about a wide variety of topics from your own home comfort. Keep your mind engaged and challenged whatever you decide to learn whether it is learning a new language or taking up a musical instrument. Keeping your mind engaged and challenged is one of an important ingredient to promote active aging.   
Try something new:
I found the idea of blogging interesting and tried it. I was a bit nervous when I posted my first article. I was something like an adventure which I would have never seen myself doing before I actually did. I have met some wonderful people along the way of by blogging and I find it as an excellent outlet for my love of writing. Identifying and pursuing new interests can be a refreshing adventure. So why wait, go for it.Identify something interesting.
Get better at something old:
When I was a child I took a handful of years of guitar lessons and at one time I was proficient enough. But it has been too long since I sat with my guitar. I am planning to spend a portion of my retirement investing on sharpening and revisiting this long-lost skill. Each one of us will be having something like this which we gave up on. That would be really fun to revisit all theses during retirement. Having plenty of free time on our hands retirement is the perfect opportunity to get better at something we always loved.   
Enjoy your retirement like at it best. Happy aging!

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