Often we find it too difficult to clean out clutter, especially when you are moving to a new house. So to help you out in throwing away your unwanted things without missing the things which you need, I am listing out 101 types of items that you can dispose.You really dont have to throw away these things but you can also recycle, sell or donate thses things.
- Clothes that don't fit
- Old towels
- Old toiletries
- DVDs you don't watch
- Stained clothing you can't clean
- Expired coupons
- Shoes that don't fit or that you don't wear
- Dried-up nail polish
- Old t-shirts
- Socks with holes
- Pens that don't work
- Snacks your pets don't eat
- Rusty jewelry
- Purses you never use
- Old spices
- Extra photo prints
- The other side of a pair of lost earrings
- Dried flowers
- Outdated electronics
- Broken or old Mobile cases
- Travel brochures
- Magnets
- Used and ripped envelopes
- Necklaces and bracelets with broken clasps
- Worn-out shoes
- Bobby pins
- Clothes that are outdated
- Old calendars
- Expired food
- Unused stationery, stickers, and sticky notes
- Scraps of wrapping paper
- Receipts you don't need
- Expired sauces
- Old or unused hangers
- Broken electronics
- Old folders
- Scarves you never wear
- Old paperwork
- Old pillows
- Cell phone accessories you don't use anymore
- Books you've already read and don't want to display
- Leftover change
- Toys your pets don't play with
- Unused vases
- Games that are missing pieces
- Old artwork or old children's artwork
- Old wallets that you don't use
- Old school books you'll never use again
- Broken kitchen equipment
- Old bank statements
- Old bank statements
- Delete emails you don't need
- Papers you have backed up on the computer
- Damaged clothing you can't mend
- Bills you don't need to keep
- Extra tupperware you don't need
- Hair elastics that have lost stretchiness
- Hair accessories you don't use
- Kitchen things you don't use
- Cooking utensils you have two of
- Gifts you don't like
- Old makeup
- Expired or sample-sized toiletries
- Extra buttons
- Expired medication
- Scratched nonstick cookware
- Stockings with runs
- Old underwear or swimwear that's losing its stretch
- Old prom dresses
- Clothing you've outgrown
- Cables and wires you don't use
- Worn-out sheets and bedding
- Empty or near-empty bottles of cleaning products
- Cables and wires you don't use
- Worn-out sheets and bedding
- Empty or near-empty bottles of cleaning products
- Spare furniture parts you don't need
- Furniture manuals
- Clothing you've outgrown
- Old mending buttons for clothing you no longer have
- Worn-out bath mats
- Random containers and jars
- Old unused batteries
- Extra and unused coffee mugs
- Wrinkled ribbon and bows for gift wrap
- Old cell phones
- Old mail
- Junk mail
- Old crayons or art supplies, plus markers that have run out of ink
- Old shopping bags
- Broken Christmas decorations
- Christmas lights that don't work
- Computer cords, firewire cord, etc. that you don't use
- CDs for old computer programs
- Old and outdated software
- Magazines
- Flatware, glasses, and plates that don't match the rest of your collection, plus dingy children's plates you no longer use
- Ripped denim
- Old manuals to electronics
- Extra buttons that come with newly purchased clothes
- Freebie or promotional t-shirts you never wear
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