Monday, 25 January 2016

Organize Your T-Shirt Drawer in just 5 mins


Are you tired of all those messy T-shirts drawers? Are you in need of some organizing ideas for your t-shirt drawer?  Are you facing a problem for keeping your t-shirt drawer organized? Here is a simple solution that give a makeover solution to your tees. The best part is it takes only five mins and you will get lot more space to store cloths.
I am really crazy about T shirts and I have collected many throughout years. From group events to camp staff tees, I have a lot more and my  drawer has become so much stuffed that I can hardly fit any more in there.
I always try to make a neat stack by folding my t-shirts  and keeping one on top of the other but they would flip over or get messed up when I search for just the right shirt to work in with my comforts. This ended up becoming a t-shirt nightmare and I always find it difficult to store them.
And then I found out this efficient solution to organize them differently. Since my neatly folded stacks were not lasting for more than two weeks, I decided to turn these tees on their head, and I haven’t  looked back since. I have implemented this particular system for the past six months and I just love it.
Now that I have got more space in my T-shirt drawer, It looks very neat and organized and trust me this is super efficient! Now I am so happy seeing my organized t-shirt drawer. I fold jeans, tees, and underwear like this now. This is so much easier now for me to find what I'm looking for quickly.
Enjoy Organization and make your home look Organized!

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