Thursday, 28 January 2016

Staying Active as you Age


When you grow old you become retired and you have more time to exercise, rediscover forgotten talents and pursue hobbies. It is essential to maintain your health and stay active in retirement. Here I am listing a few daily stretching exercise routine for a group of elderly people at old age home. Spend the next of your years actively engaged in living.

Get Started:
First thing you need to do is make your mind prepared to stay healthy. Getting up early will give you plenty of morning hours and it will be refreshing. You can set your own space and decide what you want to so that day. It's really amazing for retirees because they don't have to report to work.
Exercise your body:
When you are working it is really challenging to dedicate time for exercise and now that you are retired you got enough time to do what you want and also you have time for workouts. If you want you can do workouts early in the morning which will keep you fresh throughout the day. But if you are not able to do in the morning you can pick whatever time of the day works for you. You have more options to choose from since you have enough time to burn your calories. You can stretch out your time and give your body more time rather than rushing through an abbreviated routine.
Stimulate your mind:
It's your responsibility to keep your mind sharp without the stimulation of working environment.You are free to choose the activities which you want to undertake. Some people prefer the challenge of a puzzle or brain twister while others might easily burn the hours engaged in a good book. If you wish to learn something you can easily take online courses from about a wide variety of topics from your own home comfort. Keep your mind engaged and challenged whatever you decide to learn whether it is learning a new language or taking up a musical instrument. Keeping your mind engaged and challenged is one of an important ingredient to promote active aging.   
Try something new:
I found the idea of blogging interesting and tried it. I was a bit nervous when I posted my first article. I was something like an adventure which I would have never seen myself doing before I actually did. I have met some wonderful people along the way of by blogging and I find it as an excellent outlet for my love of writing. Identifying and pursuing new interests can be a refreshing adventure. So why wait, go for it.Identify something interesting.
Get better at something old:
When I was a child I took a handful of years of guitar lessons and at one time I was proficient enough. But it has been too long since I sat with my guitar. I am planning to spend a portion of my retirement investing on sharpening and revisiting this long-lost skill. Each one of us will be having something like this which we gave up on. That would be really fun to revisit all theses during retirement. Having plenty of free time on our hands retirement is the perfect opportunity to get better at something we always loved.   
Enjoy your retirement like at it best. Happy aging!

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

10 Home Remedies for Keloids

Scars that become enlarged due to abnormal growth of fibrous tissues. This is what we call as Keloids.Injuries of skin like minor burns, cuts , bites acne or scrapes can leave scars on your body. When an excess amount of collagen grows in scars keloids form over time.Generally they do not cause pain but might be itchy sometimes.

Listing down the top 10 home remedies to get rid of  keloids.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the best remedy for the treatment of keloids. It is very good for skin.
It will keep the skin well- moisturized and heal damaged skin. Also it helps to reduce inflammation and prevent skin infections.
  1. Clean the scarred area with warm water thoroughly.
  2. Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the scars daily.

2. Honey

Honey heals and moisturizes skin.This is the only reason why honey is highly recommended for treatment of keloids. The problem of keloids can be solved by applying honey over a few weeks.
  1. Apply fresh honey on the scar.
  2. Massage gently to improve blood circulation and prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells.

3. Garlic

Garlic  makes a good home treatment for these type of scars. Garlic prevents the excessive fibroblast proliferation that leads to Keloids. If garlic oil is not available use crushed garlic cloves.
  1. Apply garlic oil directly on the scar.
  2. Leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash the area thoroughly.

4. Rosewater and Sandalwood

Rosewater is a natural skin toner and sandalwood has many properties for skin regeneration. Using them together will reduce and lighten keloid scars.

  1. Make a thick paste of rosewater and sandalwood powder.
  2. Clean the scar with water and apply the paste before going to bed. Wash the area thoroughly with lukewarm water in the morning.
  3. Do this regularly for a month or two.

5. Lemon Juice

Different types of scars, including keloids can be treated with lemon juice because it contains antioxidants and vitamin C. You can see significant improvement in the color, texture and appearance of the scar after a few weeks of using this remedy.
  1. Extract the juice from a fresh lemon and apply it on the affected skin area.
  2. Keep it on for about half an hour. After that wash the area with lukewarm water.
  3. Repeat the process at least once daily.

6. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a perfect agent for exfoliating the skin. This can also be used for managing Keloids.
  1. Mix three parts of hydrogen peroxide with one part baking soda to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply the paste directly on the affected area to reduce inflammation.This will speed up the healing process.
  3. Continue this process  three or four times a day depending upon the severity of the scar.

7. Aspirin

This helps to reduce the size of the scar and its appearance.
  1. Crush three or four aspirin tablets and add a little amount of water to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply the paste on the scar, allow it to dry completely. Rinse it off by rubbing the area gently under water.
  3. Pat the area dry and after that apply some olive oil.
  4. Do this daily until the keloid is gone.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is one of the best remedy for treating keloids
  1. Apply apple cider vinegar directly on the affected area and gently massage it. Do this until the vinegar is well absorbed into the skin.
  2. Keep it for few minutes until it is dry. Repeat the process in order to expedite healing.
  3. Repeat this process several times a day for maximum results and continue this treatment for four to five weeks.

9. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil helps with all forms of scarring, including keloids because this has skin cell rejuvenating properties. This helps the skin cell turnover rate which helps to prevent scars from becoming permanent.
  • Apply lavender oil and massage gently the area for several minutes. Repeat the process several times a  day for faster and better results.

10. Fuller’s Earth

This can also be used to heal different types of scars including keloids.
  1. Mix one tablespoon of fuller’s earth, one teaspoon of rosewater and one teaspoon of lemon juice to make a smooth paste.
  2. Apply this paste on the scarred area and gently massage. Let it get dry and then apply another layer of paste on top.
  3. Keep it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash the area thoroughly with cold water.
  4. Continue this on a regular basis.
You can try variety of home treatments for keloids keeping in mind that newer keloids are easier to treat while older ones may take more time. Feel happy, good and confident with a smooth and healthy skin. Enjoy!

102 things to throw away from your old home when moving to a new home.

Often we find it too difficult to clean out clutter, especially when you are moving to a new house. So to help you out in throwing away  your unwanted things without missing the things which you need, I am listing out 101 types of items that you can dispose.You really dont have to throw away these things but you can also recycle, sell or donate thses things.

  1. Clothes that don't fit
  2. Old towels
  3. Old toiletries
  4. DVDs you don't watch
  5. Stained clothing you can't clean
  6. Expired coupons
  7. Shoes that don't fit or that you don't wear
  8. Dried-up nail polish
  9. Old t-shirts
  10. Socks with holes
  11. Pens that don't work
  12. Snacks your pets don't eat
  13. Rusty jewelry
  14. Purses you never use
  15. Old spices
  16. Extra photo prints
  17. The other side of a pair of lost earrings
  18. Dried flowers
  19. Outdated electronics
  20. Broken or old Mobile cases
  21. Travel brochures
  22. Magnets
  23. Used and ripped envelopes
  24. Necklaces and bracelets with broken clasps
  25. Worn-out shoes
  26. Bobby pins
  27. Clothes that are outdated
  28. Old calendars
  29. Expired food
  30. Unused stationery, stickers, and sticky notes
  31. Scraps of wrapping paper
  32. Receipts you don't need
  33. Expired sauces
  34. Old or unused hangers
  35. Broken electronics
  36. Old folders
  37. Scarves you never wear
  38. Old paperwork
  39. Old pillows
  40. Cell phone accessories you don't use anymore
  41. Books you've already read and don't want to display
  42. Leftover change
  43. Toys your pets don't play with
  44. Unused vases
  45. Games that are missing pieces
  46. Old artwork or old children's artwork
  47. Old wallets that you don't use
  48. Old school books you'll never use again
  49. Broken kitchen equipment
  50. Old bank statements
  51. Old bank statements
  52. Delete emails you don't need
  53. Papers you have backed up on the computer
  54. Damaged clothing you can't mend
  55. Bills you don't need to keep
  56. Extra tupperware you don't need
  57. Hair elastics that have lost stretchiness
  58. Hair accessories you don't use
  59. Kitchen things you don't use
  60. Cooking utensils you have two of
  61. Gifts you don't like
  62. Old makeup
  63. Expired or sample-sized toiletries
  64. Extra buttons
  65. Expired medication
  66. Scratched nonstick cookware
  67. Stockings with runs
  68. Old underwear or swimwear that's losing its stretch
  69. Old prom dresses
  70. Clothing you've outgrown
  71. Cables and wires you don't use
  72. Worn-out sheets and bedding
  73. Empty or near-empty bottles of cleaning products
  74. Cables and wires you don't use
  75. Worn-out sheets and bedding
  76. Empty or near-empty bottles of cleaning products
  77. Spare furniture parts you don't need
  78. Furniture manuals
  79. Clothing you've outgrown
  80. Old mending buttons for clothing you no longer have
  81. Worn-out bath mats
  82. Random containers and jars
  83. Old unused batteries
  84. Extra and unused coffee mugs
  85. Wrinkled ribbon and bows for gift wrap
  86. Old cell phones
  87. Old mail
  88. Junk mail
  89. Old crayons or art supplies, plus markers that have run out of ink
  90. Old shopping bags
  91. Broken Christmas decorations
  92. Christmas lights that don't work
  93. Computer cords, firewire cord, etc. that you don't use
  94. CDs for old computer programs
  95. Old and outdated software
  96. Wedding invites
  97. Magazines
  98. Flatware, glasses, and plates that don't match the rest of your collection, plus dingy children's plates you no longer use
  99. Ripped denim
  100. Old manuals to electronics
  101. Extra buttons that come with newly purchased clothes
  102.  Freebie or promotional t-shirts you never wear