How to know your Dosha in Ayurveda?
We often hear that diseases are because of our lifestyle or living out of harmony with one's own constitution. This constitution is what decides us from the basis of our fundamental level which is the emotional, physical and mental levels.
There are these three energies as per Ayurveda that is the Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The balance of this is said to be healthy and imbalance in any one of these leads to what we call the disease condition.
So when we are talking about these three, the predominance of this is seen in every individual. For example, a person can be predominant in Vata so he will be categorised as Vata Prakriti person and if it is Pitta and Kapha and so forth.
Based on this there will be certain characters also in particular. For Example, if it is Vata Prakriti personality physically their basic elements will be the hair. The qualities of hair will always be seen in this person. For example, it can be light, it can be dry and cool. So all the qualities of this will be actually reflected on the personality. Physically they will be said to be lean or the underweight individuals. They can have dry skin, dry hair with very prominent ways.
This will make up their physical status and when it comes to digestive capacity, they have very bad digestive capacities. Not able to eat full or they prefer to eat in portions. They usually suffer from flatulence or constipation.
Mentally Vata Prakriti of a person predominant with Vata dosha, they are fickle minded personality usually restless and sometimes even they make impulsive decisions and not able to stick to them.
They usually suffer from anxiety or depression or even sometimes panic attacks. They have sleep disorders or insomnia or they will be able to sleep only for few hours and very disturbed sleep patterns.
These personalities suffer from various digestive disorders like flatulence, constipation or even certain neurological conditions like the numbness or neuropathy or even tremors. These are some of the conditions where they usually can suffer from.
Coming about Pitta, Pitta based personalities are usually moderate in weight and they have sharp eyes and they are quite firm. Mentally speaking they are very focused, highly intelligent, and they are quick in making decisions and they are hot-tempered. Because of this hot temper, they can create a lot of enmity between people but they are usually good in public speaking and their leadership qualities are more and they tend to suffer from certain conditions like bleeding disorders, gastritis. It can even have certain other conditions like you can see a lot of balding and even tendency of a premature brain is seen in piths personality.
When it comes to Kapha, Kapha people are usually obese personalities, heavyweight and they have sluggish in their activities. They are very weak when it comes to responses. They make the appropriate decision and they stick to it. They are very lethargic and lazy but they are highly intelligent. The IQ levels are really good. So these are certain conditions or predominance of this is what we see as characters.
Individually to see a Vata predominant personality is very less because usually what we see is a combination of dosas. It can be Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kapha. This understanding is very important when it comes to treatment to decide what kind of treatment you require, how to change someone's lifestyle or what kind of disorders you can predict when coming to certain personalities. So this is the basics of Ayurveda and this is how an Ayurvedic physician decides the treatment.
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