Get them their own library card.
Read 20 minutes every night by dropping everything else. You can make it more interesting by making the whole family participating.
Make sure that your child see you reading. You can read in front of your child - recipes, magazine, articles, books- it doesn't matter what you read.
After reading a book reward your child with a new book to keep.
Let your child stay up later only to read. Let your older boys stay up 30 mints later than their younger siblings if they want to read. ( They are gonna say yes for that)
Label things around the house.
Re-read books to your child and let your child re-read them to you. This will improve their comprehension (how well they understood and remember what they read) and how quickly they can read it. This will also help them with word recognition.
Try not to correct every mistake. This not only makes your child lose confidence, but it slows his fluency. Your child should be able to figure out that the word was wrong by ending the sentence, because it doesn’t make sense.
Realize that the book is too hard If your child is missing more than one word per sentence. At that time you can suggest a different book.
Find out some books with not too many words per page. I know it seems silly, but this is going to overwhelm the discourage reader. But make sure you are starting small.
You can try team-reading where you read a page and your child can read a page. You can do this with paragraphs, too.
You can make your child read some recipes if your child loves baking.
For his favorite books make some new bookmarks.
Turn on the closed captioning on your television on all of his favorite shows. This will make him interested in reading at a very early age.
Not everyone enjoys reading. It can be can try some of these suggestions if your child hates to read.
Instead of forcing your child to read you can install a love of reading into your child with the right atmosphere and books.
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